WP5: Dissemination & Exploitation

Description: This WP will exploit the outcomes of the work developed in WP1-WP3 to implement the startup professional training program, at partner country universities. The work involves taking a systematic approach to implementing the courses by applying the new curriculum and to evaluate the developed educational and pedagogical approaches and assess their outcomes. This also involves taking the necessary due processes and obtaining necessary approvals from academic councils at partner country universities to run the program.


The nature of the project involves a wide spectrum of people from ministries, universities and the industry, which makes dissemination a natural effect. Hence, all possible target groups and stakeholders of the project (ex. students, staff, employers of students, academic administration staff and ministries of higher education) will be reached via the comprehensive dissemination techniques implemented in TRANSFER project. Results of the project and its activities will be disseminated to the target groups.


The dissemination plan will be created at the beginning of the project and will define what dissemination is and describe what exactly needs to be disseminated, the target audience, the dissemination channels and the dissemination materials that are going to be used in the project.

The strategy will also look at existing dissemination channels available such as membership publications of different organizations, newsletters, websites, meetings, workshops and conferences


Main actions aiming to disseminate the Project, will be focused on the: 

  • Development of a social media plan to use social and professional networks to make stakeholders and target groups aware of the project and its results, aiming to get them actively involved in the project.
  • Development of a project website to disseminate all project activities and news and to serve as the nexus of the social media campaign.

Production of dissemination material; leaflets, posters, etc (in digital format as can as possible with needed logos). in all forms to reach the potential students and managers of local companies to participate in the learning activity. 

5.1 Disseminate and exploit strategy and plan

5.2 Developed project website from the first months of the project and disseminate the project results

5.3 To organise a workshop to discuss evaluation outcomes and derive plans to approve and/or adapt courses to address identified issues.

5.4 To implement the startup professional training program and apply the new curriculum to students

5.5 EU Professors teaching visit to Partner Countries Universities

5.6 To organise a training workshop by European Staff to establish students’ projects and co-supervisions mechanisms.

5.7 To organise students’ visits to EU partner universities for project co-supervision training.

5.8: Concluding conference at (RUC, P3), Denmark